Heart Openers Virtual Community

Drop-in Zoom Classes and Video Library

I am pleased to be offering DROP-IN classes though ZOOM as well as ON-DEMAND access to a VIDEO LIBRARY to ALL who are interested!

Classes are very physically gentle. You need enough space to comfortably stretch your arms to the side and above your head. You will not be asked to speak during class, but I do ask that you try to keep your video turned on for the duration of our time together. To get a sense of what a class is like, please feel free to watch one of my videos from the library.

I gratefully receive all contributions. 🙏
The suggested price for each live Zoom class is $10-$15.
You may contribute by clicking below or by sending an etransfer to patti@practicinggrace.ca

click here to contribute via credit card

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Heart Openers is a place for open-minded and open-hearted individuals who share a desire to bring more presence, joy, and well-being into their lives. Through the practice of Qigong, we access our connection with infinite life source and flow this energy into our bodies and our lives.